
Featured image for “Raw Diets”2258:full2258:full

Raw Diets

10 February 2020
Raw diets are becoming very popular currently and are available in most pet stores, usually marketed by promising better dental health, shinier coats and improved vitality. In much the same way that shampoo adverts always feature beautiful people with beautiful hair, the marketing shows dogs who look marvellous. That’s marketing! They are usually meat based and due to the high
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Caring for your elderly cat

10 February 2020
Elderly cats can seem to have the ideal life; snoozing in a cosy bed, eating when they fancy and occasionally demanding attention. They can appear so content, it is easy to assume that they are well in themselves, but their peaceful appearance can be deceiving! In their twilight years, our feline friends are vulnerable to many illnesses, but are extremely
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Bringing Your Cat to The Clinic

10 February 2020
It can be quite challenging bringing a cat to the surgery. Cats are independent and territorial so being taken out of their familiar environment can be enough to turn even a placid moggie into a quivering wreck – or a tiger! Very different from dogs, who are usually very used to going on outings with their owners. We want everyone
Orchard House Veterinary Centre

The assurance of insurance: Is your pet insured?

10 February 2020
Knowing that your dog, cat or rabbit is insured can be a weight off your mind, especially if your pet has a sudden accident or illness and you are faced with an unexpected vet bill. There are different types of cover to choose from. The top cover is a lifetime policy where your pet is covered for a condition for
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Swallowing Dangers

10 February 2020
We all know about the dangers of certain foods, plants and toxins but what about objects? Betty is a lovely French bulldog cross who was enjoying a stroll on the beach before (assumedly) picking up a dead fish. Unfortunately, this fish had a hook caught in it! Betty was seen with the hook by her lip and then it disappeared!
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Worms are the worst!

10 February 2020
We all know that we should worm our pets regularly, but it doesn’t always seem important, especially when our pets appear perfectly fine! However, worms aren’t always obvious and can cause a great deal of damage and general ill health. So what are the major types of worms we need to be aware of? Roundworms and tapeworms inhabit your pet’s